On Friday 5th our wonder theme is babes in the woods.

We invite parents and carers with very little ones to enjoy a session of baby sensory yoga followed by a snack and story session. Then we will enjoy a guided story walk through the woods to relax and connect with nature.


Fri 5th Jan

10.45 – 11.30 Baby sensory yoga session with Warm Hearts Yoga

11.30 – 12noon – relaxed snacks and story

12.15 – 1.15 Babes in the woods guided story walk

From 3pm Winter wonder light installation


Date: Fri 5 Jan 2024
Time: Meet at 10.30am, yoga at 10.45am
Price: £20 1 x adult & babies

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The Big Lottery
Creative Scotland
Fife Environment Trust
Fife Leader
Heritage Lottery Fund

Cambo Gardens